Better Cotton, because the world deserves Better
Cotton is arguably the worlds' most important natural fiber.
It’s used in food, bedding, medical supplies and, of course, cotton is a staple of the clothing industry. It’s a renewable resource….but only if we manage our resources responsibly.
Damaging crop protection practices, inefficient water usage, diminishing soil fertility and workforce conditions such as child or forced labour, all pose threats to the sustainability of the cotton industry and the livelihoods of the farming communities that depend on this valuable crop.
In 2005, a collective of major organisations from around the world came together to figure out what could be done. Because something had to be done. “There has to be a better way,” they said.
It’s called Better Cotton.
Better Cotton Initiative (BCI) - Since 2011
BCI has defined what a more sustainable way of growing cotton is through its global standard, the Better Cotton Standard System. The Standard incorporates six key principles that provide a global definition of Better Cotton:
The first Better Cotton harvest was in 2010 and 2011, and took place in Brazil, India, Mali and Pakistan. In China and Turkey, the first harvests took place during the 2012 and 2013 seasons. Better Cotton is currently available from 21 countries on five continents, and BCI is continuously exploring opportunities to increase the number of Better Cotton farmers worldwide.